Welcome to Luminescence Software

Welcome to Luminescence Software! We are a software company dedicated high quality applications to make our lives easier. This company was started to make simple applications to make daily life easier, and has grown to much more. We currently provide a fundraising platform, and are working on our main product which is a meal planner and organizer. Please select your desired product above to get started.
Luminescence Fundraising
A fundraising platform dedicated to keeping costs as low as possible for our customers. We believe fundraising should not be a source of income for an external company, and that as much of the donated money makes its way to the intended source.
Luminescence Meal Planner
Coming Soon...
One annoying part of the week is to decide what the meals for each day will be. With Luminescence's meal planner, you will be able to auto generate your weekly plan based off of your inputted recipes, as well as restrictions you put on each day(time limit, price limit, food type, etc.). You will then be able to print out your weeks grocery list, or even get it sent directly to your door. You will also be able to get recipes submitted by others to expand your culinary experiences.